Perfect Yogurt Parfait

What if I told you that you could have ice cream for breakfast every morning, and it would be one of the healthiest breakfasts possible?

That’s the pitch my wife made to me years ago, and believe me, I was skeptical.


Then she pulled it off.

The trick? Using flavored liquid stevia as a sweetener.

Yogurt has an incredible number of health benefits. The problem is, plain yogurt tastes pretty awful. Flavored yogurts taste great, but contain a significant amount of added sugar. And while there are some low-sugar flavored yogurts on the market, they often include a host of ingredients that normally wouldn’t find their way onto a yogurt label.

By taking your favorite, healthy plain yogurt (cow milk, sheep milk, or greek yogurt — for extra protein) and adding a few drops of vanilla-flavored liquid stevia, you instantly have healthy breakfast magic.

With incredible tasting vanilla yogurt as your base, you can then top with your favorite fruits or berries and, optionally, granola.

(Speaking of which, if you happen to find yourself in Montreal, I encourage you to visit La Finca and pick up a jar of their homemade granola. I have no idea what kind of French Canadian black magic is in that stuff, but it’s absolutely addictive. Just don’t have too much, or you’ll completely negate the low-sugar premise of this entire recipe 😂.)


Perfect Yogurt Parfait

  • Serves: 1

  • Preparation time: 5 minutes


  • 1 cup plain yogurt (cow milk, sheep milk, greek yogurt, etc.)

  • 2-3 drops of vanilla liquid stevia

  • ½ cup berries or other sliced fruit

  • ½ cup granola (optional)


Combine yogurt with 2-3 drops of vanilla liquid stevia in a serving bowl.

Top with fruit and optional granola.
